Spring Pole Lathes

Spring Pole Lathes

For Sale $425

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The pictures of the springpole lathe are of the one I made and use myself. I copied it from one of Roy Underhill’s books. It is made  mostly from pine, but some of the parts are of hard wood, like the rest, the foot board and the pole.
If you would like to order one from me I will make it to your body specifications and your needs. For example your elbow hight may be different than mine so I will make the centers to the hight of your elbows. You may want a longer bed. Mine is 42” with a 12” swing. But because of the tail stock confiruration I can only turn a 30” piece. There is no finish on mine and I have not heard of anyone doing so. It seems that the finish would wear off anyway. I could do a lathe in differt woods but it seems pine is the standard. Oak is also possible but would cost more due mostly to the labor needed to cut all the parts. I do have some red elm in11/2 inch material but of course that would add to the price.
I enjoyed building this one and would love to serve you in your need. If there is any questions please don’t hesitate to call.

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